Monday, 31 December 2012

Haven't you forgotten something?

Haven't you forgotten something? 1 Jan 2013

Psalms 111:4 He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered: the LORD is gracious and full of compassion.

A farmer was showing his visiting citydwelling friend around his farm. "Watch this!" he said. He gave a whistle and his little dog came running from the house, herded the cattle into the corral, then latched the gate with her paw. "Wow, that's some dog — what's her name?" The forgetful farmer thought for a minute and then asked, "What do you call that red flower that smells good and has thorns on the stem?" "A rose?" "That's it!" The farmer turned to his wife. "Hey Rose, what do we call this dog?"

Funny how we forget things, isn't it? But I'm not so sure God finds it all that funny! When we read about the children of Israel and their journeys through the wilderness for forty years, we see how God provided wonderful miracles for them, feeding them daily with manna, guiding them by a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day, parting the Red Sea!

How is it, then, that they became so very hard hearted toward Him? Over time, I think those miracles just became commonplace and they began to take them for granted!

But then again when I look back on my life, I can't really blame them. It happens to the best of us! God has done miracles in our lives and I'm sure he's done many in each of yours as well! But we still get anxious when things aren't going quite the way we hoped, don't we?
Recall a miracle of God in your life. Remember the joy you felt? We need to relive that joy today! The miracle of God's new birth in us and the many other miracles God has done are not ones to be quickly forgotten. We need to relive them daily!

We never want to become cold toward God! Let's spend some time remembering the miracles He has done in our lives and strive to trust Him for the trials we face today!

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Against All Odds

Against All Odds     31 Dec 2012

"And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. So Judah gathered together to ask help from the Lord; and from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord." —2 Chronicles 20:3-4
Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, faced a dilemma. His enemies greatly outnumbered him. To make matters worse, his enemies had joined forces with Israel's other enemies and were coming to destroy him.

One day, someone came to King Jehoshaphat and warned him that a gigantic army was headed his way, bent on his destruction. It was hopeless. There was no way that he could meet this army with what he had. He was going to be destroyed.

What did Jehoshaphat do? The Bible says that he "set himself to seek the Lord." He prayed, "O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You" (2 Chronicles 20:12).

The Lord told Jehoshaphat, "Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God's. . . . Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you" (2 Chronicles 20:15–17).

Jehoshaphat and his army went out to meet their enemies, but they put the worship team out front. The Bible says that when they began to sing and praise the Lord, the enemy started fighting among themselves and destroyed each other.

Maybe you are facing what seems like an impossible situation right now. You may not be able to see a way out. But God can. Call on Him. Then stand still and see what He will do.

Friday, 28 December 2012

God has something special in store for you

God has something special in store for you! 29 Dec 2012

1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

When we were in the womb we had eyes, but there was little to focus on. Our eyes had rods and cones to distinguish shapes and colors, yet there were no shades or colors to see. We were in total darkness. But we had eyes that were meant to see light. Our eyes were the evidence that beyond the womb was a whole other world, still yet to be seen.

As we dwell in this world, our hearts cannot be satisfied by the things they see here. Deep inside, we know there is more… and we long for it. This life is Heaven's womb.

No matter what this world gives us, it can never satisfy what the eyes of our hearts long to see. It is here that we are being formed, and prepared to enter the realm of the Heavenly. Don't be discouraged that this this life can't give us all we want. It is a reminder of our inheritance yet to come.
Let's give our desires to the Lord once again. He wants to prepare us to rule with Him!

Thursday, 27 December 2012

God has called us to live as rocks

God has called us to live as rocks — even in a hard place! 28 Dec 2012

Psalms 62:2 He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.

We've been living in Israel now for almost two and a half years and it's not easy. Israel is the place that our Messiah will return to reign and rule. The Jewish people are to know Him and become a light to the nations. And we have an enemy who will go to great lengths in order to keep this from happening. Spiritually, here the warfare is great.
The tragic things that happen daily have taken a toll on everyone who lives here. Emotionally, the fear and hardness of heart hovers over every neighborhood, every city — and we feel it.

Financially, minimum wage here is about three dollars an hour and the majority are in great debt and terribly stressed. Materially, there are things we have learned to live without. Despite all the challenges we face in this hard place, God has called us to be rocks, trusting Him to meet our needs, spiritually, emotionally and in every other way. He has called us to find our strength in Him and become strong for those who are needy and hurting.
Has God called you to represent Him in a workplace where His very name is a curse word? Or perhaps you're living in a neighborhood where people are too busy seeking material things to seek God?

Now is the time to reflect God's truth in your life. Now is the time to be a rock, even in that hard place.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Lights! Camera! Action!

Lights! Camera! Action! 27 Dec 2012

Mark 10:27 And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

The world loves the extraordinary, the spectacular. It relishes on the big, bright, grand and expensive. I remember when we traveled through Las Vegas this summer, to speak at a church in Carson City. Uyy! The lights, the size of everything — crazy! But all I could think as we rolled down Sunset Strip was how sad it is that this is what the world finds extraordinary. The bigger, the brighter, the more expensive — the more the world worships it.

I don't think God is very impressed though. I think He Has a slightly different take on the spectacular. One of many examples in the Word is when Gideon defeated the Midianites. It wasn't with a grand army of thousands — it was with an army of a measly 300! You see, God took a few ordinary men and created out of them an "extraordinary" victory!
We may think to ourselves "I'm just an ordinary person. I don't have much to offer." But when we are born again, God takes our ordinary and makes it "extraordinary!"

Let's dare to let God in on the things we find weak and uninteresting about our lives today and watch as He turns it to spectacular! Be encouraged! God has great things planned!

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Giving thanks

Giving Thanks 26 Dec 2012

Psalm 7:17

I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.

Did you know that there is no word in the ancient Hebrew language for "Thanks?" It's true that the words "thanks" and "thank you" and "thank offering" are used throughout our English versions of the Old Testament, but the word from which it is translated has a much different meaning than you and I think of when we use that word. Like this Psalm says, "I will give thanks to the Lord because of His righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High."

Giving thanks means praising God. It means expressing in words what God has done. It means talking about Him and His goodness and mercy and love. It means praising His name. It means praising Him not only for what He has done but for Who He is.

Have you "thanked" God lately? Have you lifted up His name and praised Him for who He is in your life today? Have you just praised Him because you want to praise Him... just because He is God? Far too often, the "thanks" we give in our prayers are so quick and shallow that we might well not even speak. Instead, our prayers turn into a long "wish list" of things we want from God - what we want him to do for us, when he's already done so much already!

Have you ever thought of spending your ENTIRE prayer time just offering up praises to Him - just because he's God? Just because He loved you enough to save you? Just because He's done so much for you that you can't count the blessings?

God delights in the praises of His children. Do you want Him to bend a little closer and listen a little harder? Thank Him by praising Him. Tell Him how grateful you are for everything He does for you every single day. And be sure to tell Him you love Him... right now.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Time Well Spent

Time Well Spent 24 Dec 2012

Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever. —Daniel 12:3
I heard the other day that the average people will spend 15 years in front of the television during his or her lifetime. Can you imagine 15 years of sitting in front of that box, clicking away? What a waste of life.

On the other hand, the Bible speaks of many rewards in heaven for the person who faithfully serves the Lord during his or her lifetime, and even speaks of crowns that will be given. In fact, I think we might be shocked when the awards are presented in heaven.
We may expect them to go to all the big names that we know. But just imagine if most of the awards were given to someone named Maude Firkenbinder. You hadn't heard about her. She never pastored a church. She never recorded Christian music. She never wrote a book. But she used the gifts that God gave her. Maybe God called her to be a person of prayer. Maybe she labored in obscurity somewhere. But God saw her faithfulness and rewarded her openly.

When you get to heaven, what will you have to show for your life on this earth? Every man will be tried. Every woman will be tried. All of your accomplishments will be evaluated when you stand before Christ.

It is not so much a judgment for sin, but a judgment of time that was spent in a worthless way. Did you have more passion or excitement for your career or for a sport or for your possessions than you had for the things of God?

It will all come to nothing. Wasted hours. Wasted days. Wasted years.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Clarify the Vision

Clarify the Vision 23 Dec 2012

Like no other person in Scripture, David is called a man after God’s own heart. Yet David’s life was full of high peaks and very low valleys. David was imperfect, but God does not look for perfection; He looks for faith. Live your life to advance God’s vision.


David focused on God at a very early age. He saw the big picture, and the big picture was God. In David’s view, even a nine foot tall giant named Goliath was small compared to his unlimited God. God wants to fulfill His purposes in you and through you! Don’t let the shadows of life’s giants blur your vision and keep you from becoming what God wants you to be.

2. GROW THROUGH NEGATIVE PEOPLE. (1 Sam. 18,19,25,26)

Ever had to deal with a downright negative, critical, hard-headed person? David did. After David killed Goliath, King Saul became jealous of David’s popularity and even tried to kill him. But David grew through it, and actually showed maturity and godliness by sparing Saul’s life. Don’t let negative people rob you of your God vision! Keep your eye on the prize.


You need people that will keep you encouraged and on mission. Detractors are a dime a dozen, but encouragers are treasures to be guarded and nurtured. Jonathan was David’s closest friend, and David’s mighty men were devoted warriors. How about you? Who is in your corner? Find people who will speak into your life and encourage you to become all that God wants you to be.

4. REBOUND FROM FAILURE. (2 Sam. 11, Ps. 51)

Along the way, David’s vision became muddied. He sinned against God and he paid for it dearly. That’s what happens when you lose focus on God’s vision. An unprincipled life is as out of control as a broken dam, flood waters, raging forest fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes. But to David’s credit, he rebounded from his failure. And God will forgive us as He forgave David.

5. RECOMMIT YOUR HEART. (Ps. 26:2; 66:18,19; 86:1; 119:10,11)

After David sinned against God, he humbled his heart and recommitted himself to serve God and advance God’s Kingdom. That’s what we need to do when we sin, too. To keep God’s vision clear in our lives, we need to recommit our hearts to Him. We need to get to the heart of the matter, which is the matter of the heart. Live a principled life anchored in God and His Word, instead of being anchorless and vulnerable to Satan’s lies.

Acts 13:22 “I have found David…a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.”

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Temporary Pleasures

Temporary Pleasures 21 Dec 2012

" 'Yes, a person is a fool to store up 
earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.' " —Luke 12:21

There is a story in the Bible about a man named Esau 
who gave up everything for a little temporal pleasure. 
As the firstborn, Esau had been given the family birthright, 
which meant that he would one day be the spiritual leader of 
his family and would be in the ancestral line of the Messiah. 
But Esau didn't seem to care much about that.

One day, his brother Jacob came along and proposed a trade: 
Esau's birthright for some stew that Jacob was cooking. 
It sounded like a good deal to Esau at the time. Later, 
he realized how cheaply he had sold out. But it was too late.

Esau had no regard for spiritual things, and there are a 
lot of people like that today. They could care less about 
God until they are in a bind or until some tragedy hits. 
Then suddenly, miraculously, they have time for God. 
Then when the crisis is past, they return to their old ways.

Jesus spoke about a farmer whose crop had produced generously. 
The farmer decided to tear down his barns and build larger ones 
to store everything. That way, he could say to himself,
 "My friend, you have enough stored away for years to come. 
Now take it easy! Eat, drink, and be merry!" (Luke 12:19)

But God said, "You fool! You will die this very night. 
Then who will get it all?" (Luke 12:20)

Are things on this earth more important to you than 
treasures in heaven? Everything you may hold dear will be 
left behind one day. And the only thing that will matter is 
what is waiting in heaven for you.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Make the Right Choice

Make the Right Choice    20 Dec 2012

By Greg Laurie
"I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live." —Deuteronomy 30:19
When I first became a Christian, I decided that I would somehow find a way to live in two worlds. I was planning to hang out with my old friends and still be a Christian. For a time, I was sort of in a suspended state of animation. I wasn't comfortable with my old buddies, but I wasn't quite comfortable with the Christians either.

So I decided to be Mr. Solo Christian. I even said to my friends, "Don't worry about me. You're thinking I will become a fanatic and carry a Bible and say, 'Praise the Lord.' It will never happen. I'm going to be cool about this. I won't embarrass you, but I'm going to believe in God now."

However, as God became more real to me and I began to follow Him more closely, He changed my life and my outlook, and my priorities began to change.

There are people who will discourage you from growing spiritually. They will say, "I think it's good you are a Christian. I go to church too: at Christmas and Easter, and for weddings. But you're getting a little too fanatical. You actually brought a Bible to work the other day. We were so embarrassed. You're no fun anymore. We're glad you have made changes in your life, but don't become too extreme." There are people like this who will discourage you.

When this happens, you have the choice to either do what God wants you to do or to go with the flow. Are you going to let people hold you back? Are you going to let people discourage you from wholehearted commitment to Jesus Christ?

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Overcome, Don’t be Overrun

Overcome, Don’t be Overrun 19 Dec 2012

Hebrews 11:32

Challenges and adversities are a part of this life. God will give us the strength to overcome, but we should not add problems to our lives through unwise choices and disobedient living.

1. DON’T SELF-DESTRUCT. (Judges 6:1-6)

The situation was really bad for Israel. 
The Israelites were oppressed by the Midianites. 
Their crops and livestock were taken and their
 land was ravaged. But they were their own worst enemy. 
God had delivered them, but they had FDD (Faith Deficit Disorder). 
Because they were unwilling to serve Him long term,
 they continued to make foolish choices and 
reap painful consequences. This is still true today. 
Why are people surprised that problems escalate, 
pain reproduces itself, and despair chases 
after them when they run after sin? 
Sowing to the wind WILL reap the whirlwind 
of judgment and punishment (Hosea 8:7). 
It is far better to serve God and live in His power.


In Judges 6:14, God says to Gideon,
 “I have a mission for you. Save Israel.”
 But Gideon is slow to get rolling.
 He makes excuses and asks for a sign. 
Then, full of fear, he does the right thing… 
but at night so that no one will see him. 
Then he asks (twice) for confirmation with a fleece, 
which was actually a sign of weakness, 
not a biblical prescription. Finally, 
Gideon obeys God.

What is God calling you to do? 
Where are you to grow? 
Who are you to become? 
Maybe God has presented you with
 an incredible opportunity. 
Maybe God wants you to 
change something in your life.
 Maybe God wants you to grow in a certain area. 
Maybe God is talking to you about your marriage/family/job. 
Or maybe God is speaking to you about 
your faith in Him. When God talks, 
we must listen and walk in obedience.


God saw Gideon’s fear, and He built his faith. 
The army of 32,000 that Gideon raised 
was eventually reduced to 300 men who
 lapped water with their hands to their mouths…and 
who eventually whipped up on the boys 
from Midian with nothing more than jars, 
torches, and trumpets.
 It was definitely a victory from God!

So many people allow their problems to dwarf God. 
But God is bigger than our biggest problems.
 God is more than enough, 
and He wants to build your faith as He did Gideon’s!
 Whatever you are going through today,
 trust Him, rely on Him, and put your confidence in Him. 
In His strength you can overcome.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Defend the Dream

Defend the Dream 18 Dec 2012
Hebrews 11:20-22

Through the ups and downs of life, Joseph stayed 
the course when he could have crashed and burned. 
He is honored as a man of faith. 
He fulfilled God’s dream for his life, 
but he had to defend the dream along the way.


Joseph had a dream. It was sketchy,
 a big picture, and a shade unclear,
 but God told Joseph that He would
 use him to bless His people (Gen. 37). 
Joe believed God and embraced God’s dream for his life. 
God chooses ordinary people with 
an unordinary faith and uses them in
 an extraordinary way… and 
He has a dream for your life, too! 
Take Him seriously. Accept His will. 
Whatever He wants you to be, do, or become, go with God.


Joseph’s brothers were not happy when
 they heard about Joseph’s dream. 
In fact, they threw him in a pit,
 sold him as a slave, and told their 
father that Joseph was dead. 
Is there anything that can steal our dream,
 rob our joy, or dismantle our faith 
more than pain in life?
 But Joseph teaches us that having problems—
whether our own doing, someone else’s doing, 
or simply a product of life—
does not mean that God is dead or rendered powerless.


Joseph ended up as Potiphar’s slave (Gen. 39),
 and soon he was running a wealthy
 household in an environment that was 
ripe for compromise—but he remembered
 his God and lived with integrity.
 Like Joseph, we need to determine in 
advance where we will land on issues of 
character and integrity. 
We need to stay away from temptation,
 not just from sin.


Potiphar’s wife made a false accusation 
against Joseph, and he was put in 
prison for over two years. While he 
was soon running the place again, 
Joseph had to defend against the
 roots of resentment and bitterness. 
Sometimes bad things happen to good 
people due to no fault of their own, 
but forgiveness is the antidote to resentment.


Through his God-given ability to interpret dreams, 
Joseph was brought to prominence in the king’s palace.
 Although he was made second-in-command of all of Egypt, 
Joseph could have blown it even at this point. 
He could have used his position for
 personal gain or for payback when 
his brothers came to him to buy food,
 but instead he allowed God to use him to save His people.

God will accomplish His purposes, 
and He is looking for those who will defend the dream.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Excuses Cause Us to Miss God’s Best

Excuses Cause Us to Miss God’s Best  17 Dec 2012

Hebrews 11:23-29. In Exodus 3, God met Moses at a burning bush 
in the desert and called him to fulfill a strategic 
purpose: “So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring 
my people the Israelites out of Egypt…and I will be with you” (vs. 10,12). 
That call and promise should have been enough, 
but Moses had a lot of doubt. He had five excuses, 
and we use them, too.


Moses said, “I’m not the right guy. 
I’m insignificant and incapable.” Have you ever felt that way? 
When God calls us to serve or to be a great 
husband/wife/parent/Christian (or whatever He calls us to do) and we say, 
“I’m not important enough,” we are really saying that God is wrong. 
But God does not make mistakes. He will not ask you to do or be 
something without also empowering you to do or 
be whatever it is that He is calling you to.


Moses said, “I’m not smart enough.” Maybe you have 
felt a bit overwhelmed or underprepared, 
but when we say this to God, we are saying that He is 
not able to answer the tough questions. 
We’re saying that He’s calling us to something but 
He won’t be there for us. How silly! Wherever God is calling you, 
He is already there. He will help you, heal you, 
release you, empower you, and show you the way. 
He just wants you to go.


Moses said, “It won’t work. I don’t have the influence. 
I’m poor at casting vision.” Can you relate to those feelings? “God, 
I can’t lead the way. I’m a lousy leader.” 
But when God calls us and we make up excuses like this, 
we are basically saying that God is unconvincing, 
powerless, and incapable of inspiring people. 
If He calls us, He will equip us. If we are open to Him, 
He will infuse us with everything we need.


Moses said, “It is clear that God has the wrong guy, 
because I can’t even speak. I stutter. 
And I’m supposed to go and talk to the most powerful man in the world?” 
We’ve all felt under-qualified at times: 
“I’m not good enough, skilled enough, prepared enough, 
or capable enough.” But God always knows 
exactly what He is doing. He sees the end from the beginning. 
He just wants to know if you will have faith.
Will you be obedient? Are you available? Will you be a God-soldier?


Moses said, “I just don’t see it. I can’t feel it. 
I don’t have the willingness, desire, faith, 
or belief.” Have you ever been afraid or lacked hope? 
Maybe you didn’t believe that something in your marriage, 
family, or other relationships could become what 
it was supposed to be. But God’s will, vision, 
and purpose are not based on our confidence levels. 
And when we come up with excuses, 
we are saying NO to growth and faith and significance.

God says, “You are what you are, 
but you are not yet what you will be. 
I will be with you.” This week, get alone with God. Pray, 
read the Bible, and fast. Get serious about saying no 
to excuses and yes to God. Focus on a specific area 
in your life that has been excuse-ridden. T
ell God that you will obey and follow Him in all areas.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

How to Make a Difference

How to Make a Difference 16 Dec 2012

We need to live out our hope in Christ with zeal. 
With God’s power, we need to push back the darkness 
to bring light and hope to as many people as will listen.

Does what you hope for align with God’s purposes? 
Know what and Who you hope in. Seek God, not man’s wisdom. 
Decide or reaffirm that your life will revolve around 
God and His purposes. The key to becoming a difference-maker 
is to get right between the ears and in the heart.

There are times we don’t see the answer coming,
 we have not received the healing, the finances are shaky, 
the job situation is unsure, and marriage or family 
matters are still way up in the air. It is then that some 
bail on God. But the Jesus revolutionary believes even when he can’t see.

We are called to be Jesus revolutionaries. We must be faithful
 to help save those around us from certain destruction. 
As Paul said, “I press on toward the goal to win the prize 
for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14).

People lose their faith. They lose their way. 
Their view of life becomes cloudy, foggy, and dark.
Distractions, disappointments, desires, 
and defeats cloud their vision. Don’t let this happen to you!

For Abel, faith was a way of life. For Cain, 
faith was a formality. Live with the end in view. 
Realize your purpose. Keep God and His purposes in focus. 
He wants you to be like Jesus and influence others.

We must be vigilant and alert to not allow the wretchedness 
of our culture to infiltrate our lives. We must be righteous, 
blameless, and walk with God. We must be increasingly 
filled with God’s Spirit and filter out contaminants.

God has an assignment for you, too. It includes saving 
your family, but it goes beyond that. We are to build a 
life-saving ship as big as we can to get as many on as we can. 
That is what we are about! Together, 
we need to rescue as many people as we can.
A Jesus Revolutionary loses himself in Christ 
and the mission. What is God telling you to do? 
Are you doing it? Matt 10:39—“
...whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”

Friday, 14 December 2012

The best commentary

The best commentary 15 Dec 2012

The Bible is its own best commentary. 
Isaiah 28:9-10; 

9 “Who is it he is trying to teach?
    To whom is he explaining his message?
To children weaned from their milk,
    to those just taken from the breast?
10 For it is:
    Do this, do that,
    a rule for this, a rule for that;
    a little here, a little there.”

1 Corinthians 2:13-14.
13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us 
by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, 
explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.
 14 The person without the Spirit does not accept 
the things that come from the Spirit of God but 
considers them foolishness,and cannot understand
 them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.

Many think that they must consult 
commentaries on the Scriptures in order to understand the
meaning of the word of God, and we would not take the 
position that commentaries should not be studied;
but it will take much discernment to discover the 
truth of God under the mass of the words of men

Be sure that the evidence of truth is in the 
Scripture itself. One scripture is the key to unlock
other scriptures. The rich and hidden meaning 
is unfolded by the Holy Spirit of God, making plain the word
to our understanding.” “We should day by day 
study the Bible diligently, weighing every
thought, and comparing scripture with scripture.
 With divine help, we are to form our opinions for
ourselves, as we are to answer for ourselves before God.” 
We should seek to find all texts that have a 
bearing on the subject, to gain a grasp of the entire
scope of the doctrine by the obvious harmony of the whole;
 at the same time no text must be given a
meaning inconsistent with its context. Base no truth 
solely on the thought of a lone isolated text, with
disregard to others which qualify and clarify its true intent.
“The best commentary on Scripture is Scripture 
itself - comparing spiritual things with spiritual which
yields a threefold result, interpretation, illustration,
 illumination. The Bible is its own lexicon,
defining its terms; its own expositor, explaining its meaning; 
its own interpreter, unlocking its mysteries.”-

Thursday, 13 December 2012

The Name

The Name    14 Dec 2012

What is it about a name that makes it so special to us?

Well, most parents have that choice when a new baby is coming. However, one baby received His name in a far different way. It wasn't His parents' choice that led to His name, and His wasn't a name given to coax Him toward a personality trait. I'm speaking of the One whose name was provided by an angel who told His parents to "call His name JESUS" (Matthew 1:21). Why? "For He will save His people from their sins."

No wonder His is the name above all names (Philipians 2:9). It's a name that reveals His purpose - to provide salvation from the penalty of our sins. Jesus is indeed the name worth mentioning. 

21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)

The name above all other names, is Jesus Christ the Lord; He came to save us from our sins, so we could be restored.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

A New View Of Change

 A New View Of Change  13th Dec 2012 

People hate change, or so I hear. Yet the change we generally resist is the kind that we think will make our situation worse rather than better. We eagerly change jobs when it means higher pay and more influence. We happily move to a bigger house in a better neighbourhood. So it's not change in general that we hate; it's change that involves loss-sometimes physical; other times emotional or psychological.

Change is both inevitable and necessary. If everything stays the same, no one is growing. Yet we have a Shepherd who guides us through change and leads us to a better place. Getting there may be difficult, as it was for the Israelites in reaching the Promise Land. They grumbled when their situation got worse rather than better. (Exodus 15:24; Numbers 14:2). Yet we have the example of Jesus. In less than a week, He went from being the leader of many to being abandoned by all. 

Not all change is pleasant, but when we're being led to a better place by Someone who loves us, we don't need to fear it.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

One Beautiful Moment

One Beautiful Moment       12-12-2012

One snap of the shutter, and there it was... one beautiful moment captured in time for eternity. The late summer sun reflected in the breaking wave made the water look like liquid gold splashing onto the shore. If my friend had not been there with his camera, the wave would have gone unnoticed, like so many others that have come and gone, seen only by God. 

Who can imagine how many waves the sea has sent rolling onto the shoreline? Yet each one is unique. As seen in every wave, God makes extravagant beauty out of seemingly mundane things. Using water and air, He makes wondrous works of art. We enjoy His gallery in skies above and on earth and sea below. Yet most of earth's beauty remains invisible to us; it is seen only by God.

God uses another gallery to display His glory-humans. We too are made out of something ordinary-dust. (Genesis 2:7). Yet to us He added an extraordinary ingredient-His very own breath (verse 7). Like waves of the sea and flowers of the field (Isaiah 40:6), our lives are brief and seen by few. Yet each one is a beautiful 'moment' created by God to say to the world, "Behold, your God!" whose Word will last forever (verse 8).

"Only one life, so live it well, and keep your candle trimmed and bright; eternity, not time, will tell, The radius of that candle's light." -Miller

Monday, 10 December 2012



*This is an article that I found out it was meaningful. A message from God that need to be remind again and again.

Knowing What It Means To Face Your Fears "In Light Of" God's Word ..... Choosing To Be a Victor and not a Victim.....

How do you face your fears..???
Do you face them alone…???
Or do you face them in light of GOD's

"In Light Of", means that you have certain knowledge in hand. It means that something has been made visible to you. So many times we try to face trials and situations in our lives by ourselves. With our own strength, and with our own ability, we try to defeat the enemy without first attaining knowledge. 

We have to understand what is meant by the statement that says "knowledge is power". When something has power it means it has a force behind it. Force is used when something resists to move. So understand today that when things come up against your life and the lives of those around you.....if you have "knowledge" have a force that is a power that will come against whatever is resisting the word in your life. 

To be fearful means to be worried, frightened and timid. All of which are totally opposite of who GOD is and what GOD has said. He has already said in His word for you not to fear. We have to grab hold of the word that was spoken in Isaiah ....

Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your GOD. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Choose Who You Will Serve

Choose Who You Will Serve  10 Dec 2012

Hebrews 11:30,31
Each of us must choose to serve God with resolve. To not make a commitment to serve God is to make a commitment to not serve God.
After Moses died, God appointed Joshua as the leader of the people of Israel. God told Joshua to lead them into battle to take possession of the land that God had given to them. Joshua’s mission was treacherous and overwhelming, but he chose to take the baton and run for God. We all have the same purpose and life mission: To advance God’s purposes by serving the Lord fully. We must also put our confidence in God, and choose to live for Him and honor Him with our lives.
Rahab was a harlot from Jericho who hid two Israelite spies and saved her family (Josh. 2). Achan was an Israelite who stole plunder from a battle, and he and his family were killed for it (Josh. 7). The prostitute turned to God and chose commitment, while the Israelite turned from God and chose compromise. What is in the heart matters most! If you are with God, never quit. If you are away from God, turn and commit to Him. Make the rest of your life the best of your life.
The people of Israel needed to cross the Jordan River, but it was at flood stage. It was a physical and spiritual hurdle for them: Would they trust God as they literally moved into new territory? The priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant stepped into the river, and when it parted for them, all of the people crossed the river on dry land! We must also put our absolute trust in God. He can part the waters, remove obstacles, open doors, and make a way where there is no way.
Now remember: Joshua’s task of conquering Canaan was ominous to say the least. But then God said, “Forget the swords and spears! Let’s go with a walk around Jericho with a few trumpets and have a team cheer. That will bring the house down!” It might have sounded hopeless, but Josh was dialed in with God, and said, “LET’S DO THIS.” And the walls fell down! Whatever is going on in your life, put your faith in God and do it His way! Choose faith over doubt.
A revolutionary is resolved, absolute, resolute, certain, and sure. Others are relative, undecided, and non-committal. Joshua was firmly decided for the Lord, and just before his death, he called together the leaders of Israel and admonished them to continue to live for the Lord. He said, “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve!” (Josh. 24:15). We must also make this all-important choice, and live it out in our decisions every day.
If you have not already done so, pray, “God, I want to be used by You. I want to make a real difference. I choose You and Your plan for my life.”

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Pay the Price

Pay the Price    9 Dec 2012

Hebrews 11:35-40

The life of the revolutionary is a life of sacrifice. 
To think like Jesus, serve like Jesus, and be like Jesus 
requires great sacrifice, commitment, and devotion. 
Jesus exemplified it on the cross. And to join His army, 
you must be willing to pay the price of self denial, 
obedience, and service.

1. CONSIDER THE COST. (Luke 14:25-35; 9:23; John 21:15-20)

Large crowds followed Jesus. Some people in those 
crowds were willing to pay the price to follow Him, 
and others weren’t. What about you? Realize that as a Christian, 
you are not your own. You were bought with a price, 
and your time, talents, and treasure (money) belong to the Lord. 
You are a manager or steward of God’s property. 
How are you doing with God’s stuff? Have you given up 
your personal “rights” for the right to serve, to give, 
to turn the other cheek, to go the extra mile, 
to forgive before you are even asked, and to be persecuted for His name? 
It is about complete and uncompromised surrender. 
A revolutionary surrenders all for the call! And to those who pay the price, 
there is a great reward.

2. MAKE THE COMMITMENT. (Luke 5:1-11)

While Jesus was calling the crowds to faith, 
He was also calling individuals such as Peter, James, 
and John to follow Him. Jesus performed a miracle before their very eyes, 
and the men who would become his closest 
companions left “everything” and “followed Him.” There is no 
such thing as being partly Christian: You are either a Christ-follower, 
or you are not. Have you made the commitment to Christ? 
Commit to holy living, to obeying God’s Word, to serving, 
and to forsaking sin. Leave your former life, just like the disciples did. 
Make a fresh start with God. Stand out from the crowd of compromisers. 
Swim upstream against the current. Sign up for a new way of thinking, 
a new way of serving, and a new way of living.

3. PASS THE TEST. (Matt. 16:13-20; John 3:30)

Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say I am?” 
Peter passed the test when he answered, “You are the Christ, 
the Son of the living God.” Jesus answered, “Blessed are you, 
Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, 
but by my Father in heaven.” You and I face the same test: 
We must all answer the question, “Who is Jesus?” Is He the Christ, 
the creator of the Cosmos, the Savior of the World, and your King? 
We owe Him our life and our service. The natural pull of the current 
is towards self-centeredness, but we must pray like 
John the Baptist did: “He must increase and I must decrease.
” Sacrifice your selfish desires, and use your time and energy 
to build relationships, serve others, and live a life that 
demonstrates God’s character.