Thursday, 27 December 2012

God has called us to live as rocks

God has called us to live as rocks — even in a hard place! 28 Dec 2012

Psalms 62:2 He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.

We've been living in Israel now for almost two and a half years and it's not easy. Israel is the place that our Messiah will return to reign and rule. The Jewish people are to know Him and become a light to the nations. And we have an enemy who will go to great lengths in order to keep this from happening. Spiritually, here the warfare is great.
The tragic things that happen daily have taken a toll on everyone who lives here. Emotionally, the fear and hardness of heart hovers over every neighborhood, every city — and we feel it.

Financially, minimum wage here is about three dollars an hour and the majority are in great debt and terribly stressed. Materially, there are things we have learned to live without. Despite all the challenges we face in this hard place, God has called us to be rocks, trusting Him to meet our needs, spiritually, emotionally and in every other way. He has called us to find our strength in Him and become strong for those who are needy and hurting.
Has God called you to represent Him in a workplace where His very name is a curse word? Or perhaps you're living in a neighborhood where people are too busy seeking material things to seek God?

Now is the time to reflect God's truth in your life. Now is the time to be a rock, even in that hard place.

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