Daily Life 1 Dec 2012
Did you know that by the way you live each day, you are exerting an influence that is affecting the people around you?
Every moment of your life, you are exerting a tremendous influence that is going to affect the eternal destiny of your family, your friends and
the ones you work or study with. You are making an impression on them either for God or against God.
The question that I hope you will think about is this: “What kind of impression am I making right now
by the way I am living?” Do people say to you, “I have seen the kind of person you have
become since you became a Christian, and I would like to find out how my life can be changed to be like yours too. Please tell me about Jesus Christ.”
Or do people say, “You know, the way that you live just confirms in my heart that you Christians are just a bunch of hypocrites. What kind of God do you have anyway that tolerates the things you do?”
I would like to use an analogy that may help you to remember this. We are like stones that are found on the ground where peoplewalk.
Do you know that stones on the ground can sometimes be very helpful? When it rains heavily and the path where we are walking becomes full of puddles of water, these stones are useful to step on,
so that you can keep your shoes dry. These are what we call stepping stones.
On the other hand, stones on the ground can sometimes be a great nuisance and even a danger to people. When it gets dark, it’s very easy for a person to trip or stumble over a stone and fall to the
ground, getting himself hurt. These are what we call stumbling blocks. Stumbling blocks prevent people from making progress, but stepping stones help them to move on.
As Christians we can either be stepping stones or stumbling blocks. If we are helping people to make progress toward God
1 Corinthians 8:9
Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak.
Romans 14:13
Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.