Monday, 26 November 2012

Rise Of The Guardians Part 2

Rise Of The Guardians Part 2 - The Existence Of God (27 Nov 2012)

After I had watched this movie, i learn up some lessons from here, that is one little boy called Jamie, the only one believing child left in the world although every child out there choose not to believe all the guardians and the existence of Easter and Christmas day due to the super bad fellow, Pitch (The Boogeyman), the essence of fear and the Nightmare King snatch away all of the child's dreams, childhood's memories, their believes for all the guardians and destroy their faith. But still, Jamie, the valiant little boy, his faith in the guardians has conquer the occasion which sounds so impossible in the world.  

This lesson taught me that, it is so important to believe and to know that the God we worship is real. In Genesis 14:19 mention that, creator of heaven and earth. Indeed, this earth is created by our God, from the very 1st day with light until the last day -7th day, God rested and declared all he had made to be very good. And also this verse, "do you not know? have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth." (Isaiah 40:28) This proof that God does exist and he created all these. The universe is belong to him. 

Not only that, another lesson that I've learn is faith. The faith that we can't see but we feel, sense, know it from our hearts. One quote that i remember deeply n i found it meaningful is "Faith, is not believing that God can, it's knowing that He will." Ya, truly, by faith we able to walk so long until the end of the road. To really commit ourselves to God, to serve in God's ministry, to obey his words and do whatever things that he command, so on and so forth simply because of what we believe and trust that our God is REAL. 
In addition, we live by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7) for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18).

Every things God planned for us has a reason behind. Even we can't see it but I believe that God always gives and provides the best for us. The only thing that we need to do is have FAITH on him, pray continually. 

Serve with a passion heart. 

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