Saturday, 24 November 2012


万有也靠他而立        25 Nov 2012





 Literally "He is continually ("is" = present tense) before all things" emphasizing His absolute existence.
“Christ existed before anything else existed”, “...before anything was created.”

He - Emphatic in the Greek sentence. The personal pronoun He (autos) is used for emphasis ("He Himself" or "He and no other" is the idea).  

Paul  makes a clear declaration of His eternal preexistence as the Son; for the whole passage is a presentation of His Deity, His relationship, His creative and sustaining power as “the Son of His [the Father’s] love” (v13). The teaching that His Sonship had a beginning at His birth or at any other time is utterly erroneous, and derogatory to His glory. The apostle does not say “He was before all things,” but “He is.” Therefore his preexistence is absolute existence. 

He is (present tense)  = continually = timeless present = the existence of the Son is apart from all time ~ expresses immutability of existence) describes Christ’s absolute existence as the eternal “I Am” . Thus Paul does not say that Jesus “came to be before all things,” but that “He is continually (which gives the sense of “I exist, I am”) before all things”

Jesus claimed His eternal timeless existence before the Jews when they asked Him
"You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?" to which Jesus replied "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I Am . Therefore they picked up stones to throw at Him; but Jesus hid Himself, and went out of the temple." (Jn 8:575859)

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